Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Short 'n Sweet Novellas with Bite... My Review of "Ablaze" (Ablaze, #1) by Morgan Black

Ablaze (Ablaze, #1)Ablaze by Morgan Black
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

***ARC provided by in exchange for an honest review***

After reading this short yet sweet novella, I have to admit that I am hooked on the possibility of learning more about the relationship that's developing between Cheyenne & Luke...

However, I would be lying if I said that this book didn't have a few issues. One of which is the flow of the book, along with the strength of the characters (Luke & Cheyenne) as being fully realized individuals who fall for one another. Also, I felt that after the 65% mark that there was a disconnect in the dialogue concerning Cheyenne and Luke.

I do realize that with a novella being this short, that there's only so much that the author can include for the readers, but still, being the Persnickety reader that I am, I'm always in search of quality reads that will captivate me for 1-4 hours straight...

Although this novella wasn't absolutely perfect, it was a decent start for what may turn out to be a really awesome series...

Other than that, this book was a sweet little romp that'll keep you occupied for an hour.

Giving this one 2.75 stars.

View all my reviews

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