Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Vivacious Vampires that'll make you Swoon... My Review of: "Sophia" (Vampires in America #4) by D.B. Reynolds

Sophia (Vampires in America, #4)Sophia by D.B. Reynolds
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

***ARC supplied by in exchange for an honest review***

Warning! If you read this book at night, be prepared to suffer the consequences! This book is good that you will keep on reading until you're too tired to keep your eyes open! Books that are as intensely captivating as this one with characters that live and breathe via each and every page, will make you keep going until the break of day...

Although one would think that each book (in this series) would just be a cookie cutter version of the first, that is definitely not the case. Each book has its own special flavor, tempting the reader to delve deeper into the colorful world that D.B has written, thereby causing them to become addicted to the series.

Being the persnickety reader that I am, the only drawback for this book was a slow beginning and the looonnng sex scenes....

Other than that, I absolutely loved reading Sophie and Colin's story, and I look forward to going a little deeper into this series. The cliff hangers don't leave you totally in the lurch, but they do manage to whet your appetite for more.

Hopefully, D.B manages to keep up the pace, and not crap out like some authors who shall remain nameless.

Giving this one: 4 Solid stars...

View all my reviews

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