Monday, January 6, 2014

My Review of: "Republic of Love" by Carol Shields

The Republic of LoveThe Republic of Love by Carol Shields
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

*** ARC provided by, in exchange for an honest review***

Every now and then, I like being able to read a book that causes me to think, one that I can truly savor. With that being said, this book of poetic prose was a joy to read and ponder. Unlike some books which are an exercise in the "Wham Bam Thank You Ma'am" mentality of our instant gratification-based culture, this book gives the reader a window into the lives of 2 damaged people who find themselves engaged in a restorative type of "slow love."

After having watched the movie version of this book, being able to finally take the time to read this book, was a true gift.

Not only was,the story well crafted, but the characters were fully dimensional, as well.

Some may not like the slow and steady pace of the book, but when something this good is being cooked, you have to give it time to let the story unfold.

Oh to be loved like Tom loves Fay,... Now that would truly be sublime.

Giving this one 5 stars.

View all my reviews

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