Thursday, December 26, 2013

My Review of: "Kaleidoscope (Colorado Mountain, #6)"

Kaleidoscope (Colorado Mountain, #6)Kaleidoscope by Kristen Ashley
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

** ARC generously provided by,in exchange for an honest review ***

After giving it some thought, I decided to revise my review:

Sometimes, change can difficult, if not downright frustrating, and not to mention, maddening, but regardless, change must come.

I said that to say that I've noticed that Kristen Ashley's most recent books that have been released via a larger publishing house, and in my opinion, although she has the added amenities of professional editing and marketing, on her side, it seems as if her books have lost a significant amount of the old "KA magic."

When KA was a 1 woman self-publishing wonder, we (her fanbase) didn't really care too much about the numerous editing snafu's (run-on sentences, misspellings, etc), but we did care about the quality and overall content of KA's books. The good thing was this, when KA delivered a book (such as Rock Chicks, etc), you knew that you were getting something that going to literally rock your world. And she did it for the low price of 5 bucks and under.

Now that there are "professionals" involved with delivering the KA "Goodness" to her fans, it feels a little different.

However, one thing that I do like, is that her message of empowerment, loving oneself, and healthy body image has not been lost, and for that I am grateful.

For those who haven't always had it easy in life, her books are awesome in that they help to give that person a different perspective about who they are as a woman, regardless of what they look like. Because overall, every woman owes to herself to pull her shit together, and meet the world head on with confidence, purpose, and conviction of spirit.

In regards to this book, my only complaints are;(1) after the 25% mark in the book, it seemed to go off course, but it got back on track after the 75% mark, (2)there should have been more development where the antagonist was concerned, and (3) the inclusion of references to the backgrounds of characters from her other books was seriously irritating.

Other than that, I was well pleased with the first and last quartiles of the book.

Hopefully KA and her editors will make the necessary changes, quick fast and in a hurry.

Giving this one, 3.5 stars.

View all my reviews

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