My rating: 4 of 5 stars
As a persnickety lover of high quality Interracial Romance novels, I love the progress that Ancelli has been making ever since she released her first literary effort:

As previously stated, I did not like that book; but at some point, I do plan to read the revised version. So getting back to her latest release, "Perfectly Mixed," I can definitely say that I liked it, but it wasn't without some issues.

Before I jump into that, please allow me to say that when Ancelli is on point with developing delicious drama amongst her angsty characters, that it's an awesome thing to behold.

As a matter of fact, this Chica will make you want to read past your bedtime, so far in fact to the point where you will only get about 4 frickin' hours of sleep, before you absolutely must get your tired behind out of bed, to face the day.

Crafting inventive worlds that captivate readers, demonstrates that she's grown, a lot...

However in regards to this book, I believe that this book should have been edited a lot better, and that the beginning was a little too slow.
Also, there were some issues where the dialogue seemed a little off kilter in a few areas. Other than that, this book is great way to enjoy a lazy afternoon.
Giving this one: 3.5 stars.

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