My rating: 3 of 5 stars
***ARC given by Netgalley.com in exchange for an honest review***
Being a persnickety lover of Paranormal Romance Fiction and Urban Fantasy, I found this book to be a decent read, and captivating in parts, but not totally captivating.
Normally when I read a PNR/UF book, I want to be dazzled and amazed, so much so, to the point where I am compelled to blaze my way through it.
The emotional aspect of this story was nice, but it still needed a little more oomph in the way of better character & storyline development, and not to mention, a much needed infusion of stronger paranormal elements.
Although it didn't rock my world, I found it to be a nice way to spend a few hours on Sunday afternoon.
Giving this one: 2.75 stars.

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