Just Us Book Lovers
Tuesday, April 11, 2017
Thursday, October 8, 2015
Spankaliciously Good! My Review of: "Brighter Than The Sun" ... Written By: Darynda Jones

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I am absolutely amazed at how quickly I got got sucked into the World of Reyes, Charley, and company.. Darynda truly has a gift for writing captivating books.
This book was Spankaliciously perfect in every way...
Giving this one: 5 humongous stars..

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Saturday, July 11, 2015
How KA Got Her Groove Back... My Review of "Ride Steady" ... Written By: Kristen Ashley

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
***ARC generously supplied by Netgalley and the Publisher in exchange for an honest review***
Simply put, I loved this captivating tale of love lost and then found… It was full of delicious drama, well crafted dialogue, and multidimensional characters that draw you deeply into their world. After having had the opportunity to read this captivating novel, it is quite obvious to me that Kristen Ashley has gotten her Mojo back, and that once again, her books are “1-Click” worthy. I don’t really have much to say in regards to any disappointments about this book, other than the fact that Carissa was somewhat annoying at times. But after giving some consideration to her background story, I can see why she would be that way. Overall, I can definitely say that I am well pleased with this book, and that it turned out even better than I expected. It’s a rare thing for me to wish that I had vacation days, just so I could finish the entire book in one sitting. I am so looking forward to the chapter in the “Chaos MC” series.
Giving this one: 4.5 stars for a job well done!

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Fifty Shades of Him... My Review of "Grey".. Written By: E.L. James

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Point blank: Everyone has got an opinion about "FSOG."
Yes. The writing wasn't top notch.
And Yes. The movie was seemingly pretentious. (Haven't seen it yet, and I probably won't).
But, it's not about the BDSM.

It's about a grown man who was wounded as a child, and had yet to "sort his shit out."
Now when he meets a woman, who piques his interest, and sends him on a merry chase, that's when the fun (& the analysis) begins.
If I was a Psych major, I could have loads of fun making sense of this book, but since I am a Sociology major, the only thing that I can say, is that this book speaks to issues in our society concerning dysfunctional childhoods, skin hunger, and our feeble attempts (as a dysfunctional society) at navigtivating romantic relationships with said baggage.
Like it or hate it, "Grey" is, what it is.
And that is,... a closer examination of the inner workings of a man who is seeking to exorcise his demons, all for the chance of normalcy, the love & affection of a good woman, and a good night's sleep.
Giving this one: 3.5 stars.

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My Review of "About Last Night..." Written By: Belle Aurora

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Just knowing this book was going to be released, made me feel incredibly happy..

And just having the chance to read it, up until the 85% made was exciting as well...

However, after the 85% mark, the book became weighed down with melodrama, a storyline that decided to go squirrelly, and not to mention, an epilogue that was half-baked.

This is not to say that this "1-click" worthy author has lost her mojo, but I do believe that she could have produced a 5 star book, with a better ending.

Giving this one: 3.5 stars
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75% Happy, 25% Not So... My Review of "Verde Bianco Rosso" By Billy London

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
At first, I was really captivated by this story. But then, I ran into some significant lag at the 70% mark. After that, this story lost its mojo, & just didn't have the same zing that Ms. London's novels used to have. As a matter of fact, the drama that occurred in the last 10-15% of the story, just felt rushed and half-done.
I expected better, and as a reader with an itchy "1-click" finger, I should have gotten better than what I was given.
Giving this one: 2.75 stars.

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Soul Deep, Dreaming of My Boaz to Come.. My Review of "Soup Deep" by Pamela Clare

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
***ARC generously given by Netgalley and the Publisher in exchange for an honest review***
Simply put, this is a delicious romance that is meant to be savored. It's a story about two people who rediscover their passion for life, love, and sexual intimacy. Although it wasn’t “pitch perfect,” I loved this book because it drew me in, and I became wrapped up in Janet and Jack’s multilayered world. What I liked about it, was that that it did not involve instant sex, but it actually involved the reader in the development of a relationship that blossomed into full blown passion, and ultimately something that makes seasoned Chica's like me, smile. When giving this some thought, I could relate to Janet, in the way that this is a seasoned woman who still has something within her to give. Amazingly enough, it’s a 63 year old man who still has what it takes, to make the earth move for Janet. Normally, this type of “May-December” romance doesn’t appeal to me, but somehow someway, the author made it so appealing that I’ve begun to wonder what that would look like in real life.
Giving this one: 4 stars.

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